Storing Truffles

summer_truffle_11919690Ideally any kind of truffles should be used fresh as possible. However, truffles can be stored in a paper bag or kitchen towel – never in plastic – for several days in the refrigerator. They also can be frozen in a glass jar for two weeks or be immersed in olive oil. The oil will absorb the flavour and can be used to enhance the aroma of salads and other cold or warm dishes. Truffles should be washed only with water and carefully brushed to remove any soil before eating. The outer skin should be immaculate since they will be used unpeeled. Truffles get the best of their flavour when combined with fatty foods like cream, oil or butter. They go well with simple flavours like pasta, potatoes, eggs and rice. The strong odour of truffles will penetrate the shells of eggs and flavour kernels of rice when stored with them in a tight closed glass jar placed in the refrigerator. Once the truffle has been consumed, the eggs may be enjoyable in an omelette.